ООО «Камчатское морское пароходство» — About

Kamchatka Shipping Company (KASCO)

Mission of our company

Our company’s mission is to provide trouble-free freight traffic for residents and business of Kamchatka region and eastern territories of the Russian Far East, while creating a service at the level of leaders of the modern transport industry.

Vision of the future / Long-term strategy.

We can say without exaggeration that KASCO has gathered the best specialists at what they do, who work daily to achieve the designated mission. Everyone, from deep-sea captains to logistics experts, creates a confident future for island and peninsular territories of the Russian Far East.

The fleet is another pride of the company. KASCO has 8 high-speed vessels, 3 of which were acquired from 2017 to 2019. The company’s vessels have an ice class and a Polar Ship Certificate which makes it possible to operate successfully on the Northern Sea Route, carry out unloading in the roads and deliver cargo to an unequipped shore.

is more than
just a transport

Technological effectiveness in the context of logistics is the constant decision making with the highest productivity for the company with the balance of value for our client. The increased lifting capacity of ship cranes, ability to connect more refrigerated containers, door-to-door service, direct contracts with railway operators for arrangement of direct mixed railway and water transportation, maintenance of the regularity of lines - all those things enable us to take leading positions in the transport market in the Far East and the Eastern Arctic.

The opening of the line for the supply of coal for housing and communal services of enterprises and residents of the Far Eastern region enabled us to better assess the social significance of commercial activities that we conduct. And we do not intend to stop at the achieved results. Our plans include new regular lines, new routes through the Asian-Pacific region, but, as before, preservation of the best traditions of navigation and consistently high service.